Level Crossing Safety

Level crossing is still present and needs more safety. We can provide any kind of device to control and increase the safety of Level Crossing. The modular system is able to drive and manage all devices represented.
The level crossing specifications, in general, are referred to configuration, safety level and mainly IXL interface. Current European regulations stipulate that for line level crossings, the protection can be implemented with whole barriers controlled by trains and protected by appropriate train-side signals, principle scheme V301

Phases of Operations
Closing command;
Turning on roadside signals and warning;
Closing manoeuvre;
LX in closed control;
Clearway arrangement of the signal protecting the LX;
Release locking and reopening of the LX;
LX in control of open.
Level Crossing present several variables
Modular product to cover multiple installations
1 or more tracks
1 or 2 barriers per side
stand-alone or IXL-driven
Single or redundant CPU
Barrier supply voltage
ABC switch
Traffic signals
Redundant Vital Computer 2oo2
Mimic Panel
Data Logger
ABC switch
1 barrier per side
Axle counters
Country traffic signals

The Generic Product is a platform for the realization and certification of redundant safety critical systems, with Safety Integrity Level equal to 4 (SIL4).
Low Cost IXL platform
SIL-4 certifiable
User friendly and easy design & configuration tool.
Adaptable to several application and environment such as:
– CBI interlocking with relays rack
– Level Crossing Stand-alone Solution
– Light-Rail and Commuter Line

In particular, the system “Electric Barrier Maneuver for Reduced Size Level Crossings,” hereafter MPLR is
designed specifically for installations where conventional systems cannot be installed because
the minimum space required for their proper operation.
Designed in accordance with RFI specification TCSSTBSFIS02749 B
Main Functions:
Electrical/manual movement of LX barrier;
Securing and locking the barrier in the open or closed positions;
Making available the electrical position control grip signal (barrier open or closed).
The salient features of the MPLR system are as follows:
Reduced total footprint compared to classical LX barrier machines installed on rail networks;
Absence of a counterweighting system;
Totally electric system.

PEM is a Multifunction Wheel Detector.
PEM is a system to substitute and replace electromechanical pedals for control, liberation of PLL barriers, announcement trains, etc.
PEM detects the flange of the wheels of a running train and gives two outputs in fail safe that are energizing the relevant relays.
The system performs the continuous check of the correct positioning and control in fail safe the any possible detachment of the detector of the rail.
PEM is also able to detect the speed of the rolling stock due to innovative electronic device.
Two independent sensors; no wound inductances and ferrites (spiral on printed circuit board)
Safe and accurate axis detection under the influence of interfering magnetic fields and currents tensile.
Operating principle based on the interference of the metal wheel flange on a high-frequency magnetic field (1-2 MHz) generated by the sensors.
The presence of the flange changes the oscillation frequency due to the effect of eddy currents and the change in inductance of the sensors.
The sensors are inductive measuring devices of the wheel position
Easy mounting at the foot of the rail
Enclosure protection class IP68
Temperature range -40° to +85°C
Certified SIL4